Site Map
Creation of a Watchdog
Public Announcement of a Watchdog go
Message to Key Communicators Network go
Setting the Record Straight (Again) go
No Offense, Just Fair Public Debate go

Promoting Homosexuality
It's Official: BBH Schools promote Homosexuality go
School Counseling Course of Study go
08/08 Board sets precedent by singling out "sexual orientation"
08/08 Public Response go
Reaction to Watchdog go
08/08 Board cowers behind Superintendent go
A Hidden Agenda? go
Trends go
Transcript: Super re: bully policy 12/07
Transcript: Board re: bully policy 11/07 go
Watchdog Alerts Public go
01-08 Board again shows willingness to impose unconventional values go
How Board handles "philosophical policy issues" go
Oliver Button is a Sissy go


Advertising in Schools go
Board's poll question misleads public about advertising
Board allows distribution of misleading poll report to media and public go
Board adopts, without comment, controversial advertising policies go
Board can't (won't) explain adoption of advertising policies
The "Advertising Standard" go
Superintendent's comments misleading go
07/08 Board decides revenue from advertising to help athletes instead of taxpayers go
Board Says Watchdog "Absolutely Wrong!" go

Board tells public: Watchdog is misleading the public
High School distributes controversial bookcovers go
Why Board should not allow advertising  go
Board says one thing, but does another go
One question Board won't answer go
What did Watchdog say to get board to break nine month silence? go

Watchdog responds to resident’s letter to editor about advertising go

Artificial Turf
Artificial Turf go
Politics of Turf (2006) go
Textbooks for Turf? (2006) go
Fundng Turf go
PI Funds for Turf? go
Five unanswered questions about turf go
Turf: Why Such a Secret? go
07-2008 Revenue from advertising to help athletes instead of taxpayers
Board Says Watchdog "Absolutely Wrong!" go

Mathematics Education 
Fuzzy Math go
Invented Math go

Detrimental Grade Scale (go)

Student Health
Pepsi and Junk Food go
Pepsi:  The Official Beverage of the BBH Schools go 
Flabby Wellness Policy go
Why schools should not sell pop and junk food to schoolchildren. go
Students' health not a board priority go
Channel One
Watchdog exposes plan to contract with Channel One go
President of district's teachers' union publicly accuses Watchdog of slander go
Why Superintendent withdraws Channel One recommendation--in his own words go

Free Speech go

Low expectations for student athletes go

Board identifies strengths/weaknesses of district go

Expulsion Appeals  go

Board Quietly Decides to End Long History of Busing to Walsh go

Visitor Comments go

Scooby-Dooby-doo-doo Scooper (go)

May 2010 5-Year Forecast (Financial and Enrollment) (go)

Why a Need for a New Levy (go)

Board Threatens Community:  No Busing if Levy Fails (go)
If Levy Fails:  Alternative to Cuts in Programs/Busing (go)

Economic Conditions at Time Board Approved Contracts (go)

Four Candidates Running for Two Seats on Board (go)
    Letter from David Lurz and David Tryon (go)
    David Lurz and David Tryon's "Pledge to the Community" (go)

Public Response to Levy Issue (go)
Resident Responds to Levy Supporters (go)
Watchdog's Response to:
     Letter to Editor by Mayor Hruby (go)
     Schools Issues Committee Q & A (go)
     President of Teachers' Union (go)
     Letters Supporting Levy (B'ville Mag/B'view Jour)  (go)
     Letters Supporting Levy (Star Sun Cour) (go)

Lone Board Member:  About District Finances (go)
Lone Board Member:  Opposed to Levy  (go)
Lone Board Member:  Votes Against Teachers' Contract (go)

Teacher Salaries (go)
Salary Schedules (go)
Teacher Contracts (go)
Administrator Salaries (go)
BBH Teachers' Salaries /611 Other Ohio Districts (go)
Superintendent Contract (go)

District Not Providing Public Records (go)
Increased Salaries = Layoffs (Board "Lost Sleep")  (go)
Board Misleads Public about Savings from Reduction in Force (go)
Summary of Reductions (go)
Chart:  Teacher Reductions (go)
Chart:  Classified Reductions (go)

Waiver Days (go)
Waiver Day Updates

Health Insurance Benefits (go)
Charts:  Health Insurance Benefits (go)
