Guard Duty

Some of the duties required of the Watchdog include not only attending the monthly board meetings, but also listening to the audio recordings of those meetings.  If the Watchdog sniffs out anything that she believes the public should be alerted to, it will be reported on this page.

September 10, 2010

BBH Teachers Remain Third Highest Paid in Ohio  (go)

BBH Schools Fail to Maintain "Excellent with Distinction"  (go)

Board Continued(s) to Pay "Laid-Off" Employees

July 27, 2010

BBH School Board's Education Forecast:  Gloomy update 9/10/10
(due to the Board's clouded thinking, scattered misrepresentations, and murky presentation of financial conditions)

President of Teachers' Union Thanks Superintendent  (go)

Board Ignores Public Opposition to New Tax Levy

On July 8, the Board voted 4-1 to put a levy on the Nov.2, 2010 ballot.  If the levy passes, our taxes will be raised more than
$29 million over five years.  Dave Tryon is the only Board member to vote against putting the levy on the ballot.


Teachers Threatened to Strike During Last Contract Negotiations!


June 21, 2010

Board Relieves Pain on District Employees--But Still Intends to Inflict Pain on Community, Parents, and Children (go)

5.8 Mil Levy to be on November 2, 2010 Ballot
The Board announced its intent to put a new 5.8 mil levy on the Nov. 2, 2010 ballot.  Dave Tryon is the only Board member who voiced opposition to putting the levy on the ballot.  We'll find out how much money that levy would generate at next month's Board meeting. 

Board Hires Scot T. Prebles, from Granville Exempted Village Schools, as new Superintendent

May 24, 2010

BBH School Board Shows True Colors--They're Not Red, White, and Blue  (go)

Hostile Teachers Display Lack of Decorum at School Board Meeting (go)

Residents Speak Out
     Watchdog Speaks Despite Muzzling Effort (go)
     Teachers' Union President Promises Fight to Pass Levy (go)
     Teacher's Husband Wants Salary Increases for Teachers
     Parent (and past President of Chippewa PSO) Personally Attacks Watchdog
     Residents Urge Board to Restore Busing
     and much more (go)

Board Reinstates K-8 Busing (cost:  $50,000):  Older Children Neglected  (go)

New pile of Scooby-Dooby-Doo-doo (go)

April 26, 2010

BUSING UPDATE:  There was standing room only at the April 26, 2010 Board meeting.  Many concerned citizens were there to express their opposition to or concerns about the Board's decision to cut busing.  go
March 22, 2010

posted: March 19, 2010

What's Been Happening Since the Levy Failure in November
(also, see below)

Resident's Letter to the Editor: "Board's Decisions are Key to Finances"  go

February 22, 2010

Find out what the Board had to say when the Watchdog questioned its Executive Sessions  go

5 Residents Address the Board
During the public comments time during the meeting, 2 residents questioned the Board about its decision to cut busing, (go) 1 resident questioned the Board about revenues coming in from the Ohio Lottery, 1 resident brought her concerns about Central School to the Board's attention, and the Watchdog questioned the Board's Executive Sessions.  (go)

Lone Board member (David Tryon) tried to persuade the Board to reinstate busing for 2010-2011 school year (go)

Reductions for 2010/2011
Board intends to finalize Planned Reductions at April 22, 2010 meeting 

Community Survey
District plans to conduct another Community Survey (stay tuned)

January 27, 2010

Board's approval of Employee's Leave of Absence Raises Questions  go

December 16, 2009
Board Still Intends to Cut Busing
The Board still plans to eliminate busing next year (a savings of $275,000) even though the Board expects to have a cash balance of nearly $5 million at the end of next year.  go

November 16, 2009
Board's Plan to Cut Busing
The Watchdog asks the Board if, now that the levy failed, the Board still plans to eliminate busing next year.  And, if so, to please explain the rationale behind that decisions.   go

September 28, 2009

There was standing room only at the September 28, 2009 Board meeting.  The people in attendance were there to voice their opposition to the District's decision to not air (live) President Obama's speech on September 8, 2009. 

June-August 2009

Reports for these months concern staff reductions and the levy.  Information can be found on Doggie Dollars and Scents page.
May 18, 2009

At the May 18 Board meeting, Superintendent Diringer informed the Board that this summer he will be recommending putting a new tax levy on the November 2009 ballot.  Stay tuned.

Elevated Grading Scale: Even though last year 150 parents called and e-mailed Dr. Calevich indicating they wanted the district to use the standard grading scale because research shows an elevated grade scale puts their chldren at a disadvantage for college admissions and merit scholarships, at it's May 18 meeting, the Board approved an elevated grade scale anyway. (go

Waiver Days:  At its April 27 meeting, the board unanimously approved two Waiver Days that has the effect of taking nearly a quarter million dollars that was supposed to be used for the purpose of educating our children and using that money instead for the purpose of educating our teachers. (go)

May 9, 2009

Staff Reductions: 
At its April 27 meeting, the Board approved Superintendent Diringer's Reduction in Force (RIF) Recommendations. (go)
April 7, 2009

TAXPAYERS and VOTERS:  Get Ready !   go

January 28, 2009

Promoting Acceptance of Homosexuality:  Even though the Watchdog notified the board (go) that schoolchildren, as young as nine-years old, are being taught in the classroom that effeminate behavior in boys is perfectly acceptable, the board reaffirmed its full support of a school policy that promotes acceptance of homosexuality.  On January 23, 2009, the Crisis Intervention guidelines (#8410) which include sexual orientation language were re-published on the district's website.  (The Board members have never publicly expressed any rationale for thier support such a policy.)

The hostile reaction to my letters to the editor in which I express a view that schools should not promote acceptance of homosexuality shows that I was correct to say that including sexual orientation language in school policy implies that it is wrong to oppose homosexuality.  go...

November 17, 2008

Oliver Button is a Sissy: go

September 22, 2008


Sept. 19, 2008

It's official.  The Brecksville-Broadview Heights School District is a school district that promotes the acceptance of homosexuality.  go...

Aug. 18, 2008

July 28, 2008

Posted: 07/31/08

June 23, 2008

At the June 23 meeting, a student who had just completed sixth grade, questioned a decision that was made to eliminate French from the middle school and high school curriculum. go
The student was planning to enroll in French classes, so when she learned that French would no longer be offered as an elective, she decided to take action.  Within two weeks, she obtained 103 signatures on ?a petition to reinstate French.?  This young girl did not simply accept a decision made by school officials sitting down.  Confidently and respectfully, she stood before the School Board and questioned the wisdom of the decision. 
She is an example of leadership, not only to her fellow classmates, but to our entire community.  And her parents should be commended.

We need more people to become involved and speak out.
posted: June 26, 2008

May 19, 2008
TAXPAYERS: Re: Teachers' Salaries: The Watchdog intends to release board member, Mr. Dave Dosen from the Doghouse for comments he made regarding the teachers' contract that was approved (4-1) at the May 19 meeting.  To view that part of Mr. Dosen's file, go here.

Decision-Making Process
--At the May 19 meeting, several taxpaying and voting members of our community made a plea to the board to reverse a recent decision that was made on behalf of the school district. The fact that the decision was never discussed during a public board meeting once again gives the impression that the board is trying to avoid accountability to the public by keeping controversial or difficult decisions out of the public eye.  go

April 21, 2008


March 17 , 2008
Posted April 3, 2008
--Board member, Mr. Alan Siebert raised an interesting point about mathematics instruction.  Read his brief comments and an interesting response from our Director of Curriculum and Instruction.  go...

February 25 , 2008

Posted March 24, 2008
Eligibility for Extra-Curricular Activities--
Board policy requires students who want to participate in extra-curricular activities to achieve a grade point average of just 1.25. Board member, Mr. Alan Siebert believes that is too low for a District that "boasts of its academic excellence." But, Superintendent Diringer, and the other four board members don’t agree. Find out why the board remains, as Mr. Siebert said, “stubborn and unwilling to change the minimum standard” from a 1.25 GPA to even a 1.5 GPA. go...

Board's Decision-Making Process continued...go..

January 28, 2008

Board's Decision-Making Process Find out what the Board has done that provides evidence that this school board still needs a watchdog. go...

December 17, 2007
Waiver Days--update  go..


I'd like to thank everyone who stood up for what is right for our children and spoke out against the proposed anti-bullying policy.  The Brecksville-Broadview Heights Board of Education heard you loud and clear.  At its December 17, 2007 meeting, the Board adopted a modified version of the anti-bullying policy that does not include any list of enumerated distinguishing characteristics.  (update: Dec. 28, 2007 go... )

Bullying Policy--
The Brecksville-Broadview Heights School Board dropped a bombshell at its Nov.19 meeting. It is about to adopt a radical policy that disproportionately prohibits bullying of students who would engage in homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender behavior, but does not give that same protection to students who object to homosexuality, or students who are not a member of any recognized identifiable minority group. (go...)

November 19, 2007
Senior Citizens--Does the Board reach out to our Senior Citizens? (go...)

October 22, 2007

Advertising Policy--During the July 23rd meeting, Superintendent Diringer said that any advertising that involves an exchange of money would require Board approval.  As it turns out, that's not quite accurate.  go...

September 24, 2007

The Watchdog explains to the Board why the individual members should not be personally offended when she criticizes the School Board.  go...

August 20, 2007

Advertising Policy
--Since there are no public records of any Board discussions regarding the set of policies that address advertising that the Board unanimously agreed to adopt during last month's Board meeting, the Watchdog asked the Board to explain how it reached its decision to adopt those policies. Read the Watchdog's comments and the Board's response. go...

July 23, 2007

Advertising Policy--The Board adopted, without ever discussing (or even mentioning) during a public meeting, a set of advertising policies which is a completely different set of policies from what the Board indicated, during its April 24, 2006 meeting, that it would be adopting.  go... 

June 26, 2007

Policy Review--It was announced that the Board Policy Review Committee had completed its first reading of the proposed Board Policies manual, and that each board member had been provided a copy of the manual.  The board members were instructed to review their copy of the nearly thousand page manual prior to the next meeting (July 23, 2007), at which time the Board intends to act upon the proposed Board Policy manual as a whole.

Community Survey/Advertising--The Watchdog asked the Board "If the people who were polled were simply asked if they support advertising at our "athletic facilities," why did the Board allow an "Executive Summary" to be published that contains a blatantly misleading statement that the public supports advertising at "school facilities" in general?"
(The Executive Summary is the report of the results of the public opinion poll that the board recently conducted.  This past April, the Executive Summary was distributed at its board meeting, to our school buildings, and to the local news media.)  go...

May 21, 2007

Advertising Policy
--During the "Hearing of the Public" part of the meeting, the Watchdog said the board should not make any assumptions of public opinion of the advertising policy based on poll results from a misleading question about advertising.  go...

Artificial Turf--The board agreed to upgrade its recent purchase of artificial turf at an additional cost of $20,000.00.

April 23, 2007

Community Survey
-- The board was presented with an analysis of the results from its recent public opinion poll.  The Watchdog asked the board what question, regarding advertising, was asked of those polled.  Also, since the Board said that there is already more than enough money to pay for the turf, there is no need to adopt the advertising policy.  (When the Board  indicated, during its April 24, 2006 meeting, that it would be adopting our former superintendent's proposed advertising policy, the reason stated was, according to Mr. Farnsworth, "to help pay for turf".)    go...

March 26, 2007

Artificial Turf
--Our school board agreed to purchase $600,000.00 worth of artificial turf for the high school football field with the understanding that it would need to be replaced in eight to ten years at an additional cost of $300,000.00.  (go)

March 13, 2007

Artificial Turf
--Even though the board still has not provided much information to the taxpaying public about the turf, the board agreed to include on its March 26, 2007 meeting agenda a vote to commit the taxpayers to a several hundred thousand dollar debt so that artificial turf can be installed on the football field.

Waiver Days Update--FInd out what our teachers will be paid to do, instead of teaching our students, the first of the two new "Waiver Days" the board approved during its December 12, 2006 meeting.  go...

February 26, 2007

Artificial Turf
--The Watchdog identifies five questions our School Board should answer publicly before it agrees to commit the taxpayers of our district to a debt of several hundred thousand dollars.  Go...

January 22, 2007

Artificial Turf
--Breaking the Board's nine month silence on artificial turf, Superintendent, Dr. Diringer announced that for "the past 6 weeks to 2 months," the board's Permanent Improvement (PI) Committee had resumed its work toward installing artificial turf on the football field. (see current issues)

Advertising Policy--In response to the Watchdog's public comments, the board finally breaks its nine month silence on the advertising policy.   (go...)

Pepsi Contract--

December 12, 2006

Waiver Days
--The board approved of changing our negotiated contract with the BEA (Brecksville Education Association) so that, rather than teaching our students for two full days, our teachers could instead have two full days for their own "professional development." (more...)

Artificial Turf--Reporting for the PI Committee, Mr. Balasko said, "I don't have anything" to report. No one else present mentioned artificial turf. (See January 22, 2007)

Change in Meeting Schedule--The most significant change to the meeting schedule is that the board's special (work session) meetings will now be held only twice this year, instead of monthly.

November 13, 2006

Goals for District/Strategic Plan

Committee Reporting Process--The board agreed to list only the four "true board committees" on its meeting agendas: Permanent Improvement (PI) Committee, Audit Committee, Transportation Committee, and Board Policy Committee. 

October 23, 2006

Communicating with the Public
-- The board believes it will be easier to persuade the public to pass an upcoming school levy if the public was educated on school finance. Therefore, the board agreed to purchase a page, each month, in our local magazines (Brecksville Magazine and Broadview Journal) for the purpose of communicating financial information to the public.

October 10, 2006

Communicating with the Public
--Dr. Diringer led the board in a discussion regarding the district's communications with the public.  He encouraged the board to make better use of e-mails, to improve the school board's website, to increase the publication of the "School Reporter" from quarterly to monthly.  He also asked the board to consider purchasing a page each month in our local magazines for the purpose of communicating financial information to the public.

September 25, 2006

Expulsion Hearings
--Dr. Diringer asked the board to consider removing itself from the appeals process for expulsion hearings. (more...)

September 12, 2006

Strengths/Limitations of District
--The board members list what they believe are the strengths and weaknesses of our school district. (more...) 

September 1, 2006

Mr. Steven Farnsworth retires.
Dr. Thomas Diringer becomes our new Superintendent.


April 24, 2006

The School Board indicated that, as a way to help finance the installation of a million-dollars’ worth of artificial turf on the football field, it would be adopting an advertising policy that would allow “school groups to sell space on public school property for the purpose of commercial advertising.”

It was during this same meeting when I announced (go…) the publishing of,
in which I am quite critical of the board’s actions and discussions regarding advertising and artificial turf.

Coincidentally, the board never again discussed, during a board meeting, the advertising policy or the artificial turf until NINE months later. (See January 22, 2007)

Before (go…)