April 24, 2006
My son was well prepared to enter Kindergarten in August, 2005. During his preschool years, I spent a great deal of time teaching him how to read, among other things. My son worked hard to reach this milestone. He had been reading children’s books for several months before starting school. I was really quite proud of him.
When my son came home with his first report card, however, his teacher had reported that my son could NOT read, and that he did not even understand that words are formed by letters that are read from left to right. I knew that his teacher had obviously made an error and brought the matter to her attention. Even though she admitted that she had never even asked my son to read anything to her, she refused to admit her error.
Even though the school principal knew that I had my son independently tested by a licensed educator who confirmed my son could read, the school principal refused to admit the teacher’s error.
The Superintendent refused to admit the teacher’s error. He refused to listen to reason, and instead he condescendingly ridiculed me. He arrogantly dismissed me so he could move on to "more meaningful" matters.
I asked the School Board if there was even one member who would be willing to only say that it was reasonable of me to try to correct the teacher’s error. Not one member offered me a show of support.
That was the beginning of what would turn out to be an absurd relationship with the Brecksville-Broadview Heights school district.
I learned from this experience that it is futile to try to resolve problems with the school educators, administrators, and officials on a personal level. Therefore, I now make my concerns and criticisms public.